Monday, January 31, 2011

hihi....time for blogging
had set a standard that should blog everyday
probably can have a lookback for de the year which i have passed
or probably is juz a place for me to write out my feelings...
woke up at ard 9 plus in the morning
dad n mum came back from brisk walking and they are rushing to malaysia with my aunt
dad left 100 bucks for me to buy my pants for cny
switch on com and start to watch movie again
ard noon time went makan lunch with my soccer kakies
and they accompany went woodlands checkpoint to buy my pants
was veri touched thx u guys
bought a jeans and a short onli
after that went to wz hse to slack
they went on with majong while i juz sit there and watch
play until 7 pm and went to eat dinner 2gether
thx wz dad n mum for that dinner
was the 1st time having dinner with them and after that watch soccer at coffee shop
reached home ard 10 plus and was nag by my dad haiz....

sometime i wished u could just at my side accompany me
but it seem so impossible bah...
probably u are reading my blog or probably not
juz dun wan to tell u cox i dun wan to be so awkward if we c each other
haiz....i'm juz such a failure n coward towards this area bah
sometime feel that we dun have topic to chat wif even though i saw u online :(
i reali duno wat to do feeling so vexed....

been raining de whole day and never get to c de sun which make me feel veri sick
duno wat happening to me lately
cannot bend my head downwards for too long if not will feel giddy and want to vomit
probably dying soon bah :(

that all for the day shall continue blog tmr nights