Hi....time to blog again
fri lab test was a easy one
didn't ask to write out coding but was told to select one of the lab
we had done before and explain to the lecturer
he was so bias to me ask me lots of question and was diffcult
and the reason he gave was you are too "smart"liao
after that instead of gg for tkd trg went down to temple instead
when on the way to the temple
felt so lonely sad and tired but couldn't explain why
search the whole contact list to find someone to chat with but couldn't find
after all wat i can say that i dun have really much real friend in life
reached temple and soon the event started and was filled with lots of people
almost flooded the place and was busy doing stuff and got to rest at ard 11 plus
the whole thing ended at ard 12 plus and went to grandma hse for the night
couldn't connect to the wireless internet :(
watch movie till ard 2 den went to slp
woke up ard 11 plus den went to the toilet but went back to slp again
and woke up at ard 4 and dat how i wasted my sat by slping the whole 3/4 day
den after that started to rain at ard 6
have a hard time gg home due to heavy rain
manage to get home before 10 and watch tv and use com
so dat ends my sat holiday >.<
sometime i was juz wondering wat is she thinking and totally miss the time spending with her and i duno how her feeling towards me
was attracted to a song called "Just the way you are"
find it interesting and wish to sing to her someday somehow
dat all for 2day nights.....